Orange Moonbeam Floorshow is the project of Patrick Cleandenim...I suppose it's meant to be CleanDenim, though I'm not sure. Anyway this is all very mysterious to friend Nico has a friend who was somehow involved in OMFL's new CD (yes, I think I am the first to propose an acronym for them, so pay attention: OMFL) so he played it in the car on our way to Athens, GA and we loved the first song, Hotel Gansevoort. This guy seems to be totally mysterious - kind of like David Bowie and Andy Warhol combined. I don't know anything about him, but I do like this track. Anyway it isn't on YouTube, but here is a link to his MySpace page.
Orange Moonbeam Floorshow is the title of the album, not the project. It's Patrick Cleandenim's second full-length album, coming out soon on Broken Horse Records. I think you can also download the album at Other Music Digital.